I help women in tech build strong bodies and unwavering confidence from boardroom to bedroom.

See results in 90 days with my Agile Wellness System

Got your health and fitness parked in the backlog?

You’re not alone.

In the non-stop tech hustle, where the next release is always on the horizon, your well-being and fitness often get down-prioritised, buried beneath a mountain of tickets, meeting invites and life’s competing priorities.

Welcome to scope creep… wellness edition.

It's a cycle as vicious as a poorly managed project: stress increases, the numbers on the scale follow suit, sleep plays hard to get, and those “temporary” I-deserve-it-I-had-a-long-day-damn-it! comfort foods start getting hardcoded into your diet.

You're exhausted, firefighting burnout with a spoon and a family-size tub of ice cream.

Are these bugs
crashing your system?

/ Stress overflow
You wake up every day feeling like you’re staring at an error cascade on your screen with no manual in sight

/ The junk food commit loop
Recurring nutrition bugs and regressions start to embed themselves into your diet

/ Inactive user account
You’re sitting all day with poor posture and haven’t logged into a gym or accessed your abs in over 6 months

/ Sleep: the elusive bug
You’re chasing Zs like stable Wi-Fi at a tech conference—seemingly available but always dropping out when you need it most

/ The energy crisis
You’re constantly running on 5% and the IT department is clutching onto chargers like they’re gold bars

/ The merge conflict: work vs. life
Balance feels like a fancy feature from a competitor's offering that you never seem to have budget for

Move your well-being to the top of the backlog

Agile Wellness System

My unique method blends scrum-inspired efficiency with holistic health principles to achieve optimal and long-lasting results in the 3 key areas of wellness

Front end


Don’t spend hours in the gym (unless you want to!) but embrace movement with optimised workouts to unlock your body's potential for:

  • Effective fat loss

  • Sustained energy

  • Long-term vitality

Back end


Say goodbye to diet confusion and hello to sustainable weight management and vibrant health:

  • Leverage data for informed nutrition choices

  • Enjoy energy, not limits when you focus on fuelling your body instead of obsessing on restrictive diets

  • Learn what YOUR body needs to feel its best

Tech debt


Address those essential yet neglected tasks for your well-being:

  • Unlock peak performance with sleep and self-care

  • Achieve more with ease by mastering stress

  • Discover growth beyond limits with a mindset shift

What’s in the program?

  • Goal setting session

  • 12-week personalised plan

  • 100% online to fit your lifestyle

  • Customised training program (home or gym)

  • Tailored nutrition and lifestyle recommendations

  • Accountability and mindset coaching

  • Unlimited online support

  • Weekly check-ins

Hi, I’m Lucie

The PO turned PT

I understand your struggles because I’ve been there myself.

With 16 years in Product Management within the tech industry, I've lived through the hustle. Being a bit of a complete A-type personality, I pushed myself hard, chasing what I thought was the ‘happy path’, but felt more like a hamster wheel.

To cut a long story short, my quest for big achievements and elusive perfection was rewarded by:

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Anorexia and orthorexia

  • Amenorrhea

  • Hypothyroidism

  • IBS / SIBO

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Chronic low back pain

Being the control freak that I am, I took matters into my own hands, deep diving into every health challenge I faced and then some. But tackling each issue in isolation (Waterfall style, baby) left me frustrated and with mediocre results at best. I knew I needed a different approach.

And in my search for a solution, it suddenly hit me: it had been right in front of me all along. It was the very method I followed every day in my role as a Product Owner.


(It’s not what you think)

I needed a system capable of delivering continuous improvement, while meeting the user’s (yours truly) needs and expectations.

Drawing from my experience working in scrum teams and fuelled by over a decade of passion for health and fitness, I decided to merge Agile principles with my expertise as a certified Personal Trainer, Health Coach, Kinesiologist, and EFT Practitioner.

And so the Agile Wellness System (AWS) was born.

Why it works

  • Iterative approach for continuous improvement

  • Tailored to women in tech

  • Time-effective workouts

  • No-nonsense nutrition advice

  • Flexible and adaptive system

  • Holistic approach

  • Support system

See results in just 90 days!

“A huge win was staying committed and not giving up after a couple of weeks. I dropped a jeans size, I’m eating healthier and finally getting more sleep.

It felt really good to do heavier weights, a really tangible marker of progress. I also like that you keep me accountable. I’m super grateful for your guidance. Thank you!”


“I really loved having a program tailored to my goals, with detailed advice on workouts, correct form, nutrition, digestion and…everything!

It's very rare to find someone so attentive – thanks to you I feel much more motivated. I don't want to waste my efforts and I want to keep improving.”


Ready to Agile your life?

Find out more about the Agile Wellness System

You can also find me here

+61 422 260 217

Oh hello!

Fancy seeing you down here…

Since you’re still hanging around, let me ask you: did you know I wrote a book, too?

It’s about the pursuit of health and fitness and the multitude of fascinating ways it can go wrong.

It’s a short and fun read, if I may allow myself to brag a bit.

You can find it here.